Community is at the heart of all we do.

Unlike a traditional P&C committee, the International Grammar School P&C goes deeper into supporting our wonderful school by ensuring our input adds value to the lives of our children, our teachers and our parents/carers.

We are the sprinkles on top if you will, encouraging connection and support right across the IGS village from Early Learning to Year 12.

P&C Membership is open to all. We welcome and encourage all parents and caregivers of students attending the School, members of the School staff, Alums of the School, parents and carers of alums and friends of staff or parents and carers to join.

We love IGS and work hard to support its community. We ask that you come to the table with a generous spirit, kind heart and open mind.

You can support the P&C not only by volunteering your time, but by also helping us fundraise.

Details about P&C related activities and events can be found in IGS Notices. We also use our Year What’s App groups to send our messages, so please reach out to your P&C Class reps to ensure you are connected. And finally, we also frequently pop notices into the school Newsletters and on message boards at the front school gate.

The P&C is represented by a Committee of around 20 parents from Early Learning, Primary and High School families. We meet twice a term. 

Nominations for the P&C Committee are sort prior to the AGM in Term 1. An outline of the PTF Executive roles can be found here.

To volunteer as a member of the P&C Committee sign up here or to contact the P&C Committee at any time email

Stay well and say hi anytime,

Hayley Dean
IGS P&C President