About YOUR p&c

Parents’ and Carers’ Inc (P&C) is an engaged, friendly and innovative organisation actively involved in the School community.

It holds a cherished and deeply valued place within the school’s colourful history; IGS was born out of one man’s big idea. It was a simple dream that Professor Reg St Leon nurtured, but it turned accepted educational theory and practice on its head. What St Leon didn’t foresee was that his vision of a multilingual school would spark a series of battles against bureaucracy – battles which on many occasions threatened to sink the school. 

That IGS persevered and finally thrived is thanks to a small group of determined and dedicated Parents’ and Carers’ Inc (P&C) who were there at the beginning, mortgaging their own homes to keep the school afloat. 


Details about P&C related activities and events can be found in IGS Notices.

The P&C is represented by a Committee of around 20 parents from Early Learning, Primary and High School families. The Committee coordinates activities that support the School community. The P&C Committee meets twice a term. Nominations for the P&C Committee are sort at the beginning of each year prior to the AGM in Term 1.  

Families make an annual contribution of $20 to the P&C.

To volunteer as a member of the P&C Committee sign up here.

You can contact the P&C Committee at any time by ptf@igssyd.nsw.edu.au


The IGS P&C are dedicated group of volunteers who donate their time and energy into supporting all our students and families at IGS.

We like to consider ourselves Magic Sprinkles or as Mr Galea calls us “the rock stars who lovingly care for the school!”

Unity through Diversity: Community is what we are all about.

The purpose of the P&C, amongst other things is to:

  • Promote the IGS values of diversity, connectedness, vibrancy and authenticity,
  • Build on, and enhance the IGS community,
  • Connect the IGS Community through the Class and Year Reps
  • Support student and teacher-led initiatives 
  • Provide regular “services” to the IGS community including the Primary Disco and Second Hand Uniform/Textbook sales.


Volunteering is a rewarding way of contributing to the IGS community. We understand that every family has their own personal and professional commitments. There are many ways to get involved at IGS with varying time commitments so you can choose what suits you best.

Some of the volunteer opportunities this year include:

  • Being a Class/Year Representative: (Reps promote connection in their class and year group by organising social events throughout the year).
  • Assisting the Committee with Events & fundraisers, such as the P&C Primary School Disco.
  • Assisting at Rue Kelly Second Hand Uniform Sales, generally held once a term.
  • Hold an executive position on the P&C Committee.

Every volunteer at IGS must comply with the School’s Volunteer Policy and the Code of Conduct for Volunteers. This policy and code requires, amongst other things, that:

  • All volunteers have a Working With Children (WWC) Check before volunteering at the School (regardless of any exemptions that apply under the applicable law), 
  • Volunteers carry out tasks in a manner consistent with the School’s expectations, including maintenance of a professional, cooperative and confidential working environment
  • All volunteers conduct themselves in an acceptable and appropriate manner (including treating everyone with courtesy, consideration and sensitivity; with respect to cultures, beliefs, opinions and decisions of others; cooperate with staff to ensure safety and welfare of students)
  • Volunteers take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others
  • Volunteers sign-in and out at Reception when undertaking any activity within the School

Other School policies/documents of which volunteers need to be aware include those relating to Child Protection; Work Health and Safety Statement; Staff Code of Conduct.

New volunteers must email volunteers@igssyd.nsw.edu.au and ptf@igssyd.nsw.edu.au with their name (exactly as it appears on their WWCC), their WWCC number and their date of birth. How to apply for a Volunteers WWCC.

The P&C Committee appreciates that every family juggles diverse commitments and can only “donate” limited amounts of time.

To volunteer as a member of the P&C Committee, please sign up here.

You can contact the P&C Committee at any time at ptf@igssyd.nsw.edu.au