Below is the 2023 IGS P&C Committee, until the AGM on 4 April 2024.

P&C Officers

P&C Committee Positions Member
Executive Officers
President Hayley Dean
Vice-President – High School Jessie Chung
Vice-President – Primary School and Early Learning 
Secretary Melissa Wroniak
Treasurer Daniel Douma
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer Lisa Story
Representative Coordinator – Early Learning Anuja Sawant
Representative Coordinator – Primary School
Representative Coordinator – High School
P&C Activities Coordinators
Comms / Marketing Coordinators Julian Oppen
Community Services Coordinators (Teachers Gifts, Goodwill etc) Danielle Jenkins
Fund-raising Event Coordinators (Primary Disco, Lecture Series) Kim Thomas
Melanie Kruppa-Srivastava
Traffic & Drive-by Safety Coordinators Julian Oppen
Sustainability Coordinators (Rue Kelly) Lisa Kwok
First Nations Coordinators Lucy Mendelssohn
General Committee members Kylie Gwynne
Matthew Davies
Samantha Panda Shah
Camilia Windfeld
Natasha Lai Butler
Cath Dunn
Dean Davis
Anna Rostosky


P&C Membership is open to all parents and caregivers of students attending the School, members of the School staff, Alumni of the School, parents and caregivers of alumna and friends of staff or parents and caregivers. The objectives of the P&C are to connect parents, caregivers and teachers; support student and teacher-led initiatives; and provide services to the IGS community.

The P&C Committee consists of the P&C Executive Officers and at least two other Project and Activities Coordinators. 

Positions and description of duties 

President: Presides over P&C Committee. Attends IGS Board meetings to report on P&C activities.

Vice President: High School: Coordinates and liaises with the School in relation to High School related matters. Assists with P&C Committee.

Vice President: Primary School and Early Learning: Coordinates and liaises with the School in relation to Primary School & Early Learning related matters. Assists with P&C Committee.

Secretary: Responsible for taking and publishing minutes at P&C Committee Meetings, and maintaining P&C correspondence and files. Manages nominations for AGM. Organises P&C meetings.

Assistant Secretary: Shares responsibilities of the Secretary.

Treasurer: Responsible for managing the money raised by the P&C and all monies going into and out of P&C bank accounts. Reports each Term to the P&C. Keeps the books. Prepares annual financial report for presentation at the AGM.

Assistant Treasurer: Shares responsibilities of the Treasurer.

P&C Representative Coordinator: Responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteer parent Representatives for each Class/Year Group, conducting an introduction meeting, updating the Representative manual annually and providing ongoing support.

Representative Coordinators for Early Learning, Primary and High Schools: Shares responsibilities of Class/Year Representative Coordinator.

P&C Activities Co-ordinators: Appointed to co-ordinate, execute and report on designated School community, social and fund raising projects and activities supported by the P&C.  Coordinator/s oversee a team of parent volunteers to assist with event/activity organisation.

For more information on the Roles of P&C Executive visit this link.

Anyone interested in finding out more can get in touch via


P&C Class Representatives are parents and carers who volunteer to work in groups to organise social activities for their Year group. Reps are supported by the P&C Representative Coordinator. They also have access to a Representative’s Manual, are invited to attend an introductory briefing and receive regular email updates throughout the year. To volunteer as a P&C Representative sign up here.

Class Reps meet  up once a month for a “Coffee Pose”; A way of connecting together and sharing ideas in a relaxed, casual environment. Coffee Poses details for 2023 are TBA.