At IGS, children and staff enjoy high staff-to-child ratios with highly experienced, passionate, and many long-serving teachers and educators.

Each of our four Early Learning class groups of up to 30 children is supported by 4 staff who work together to implement the early learning curriculum inclusive of the language and music programs.

Each class group is led by a university-qualified Early Childhood Teacher who works together with three Educators qualified in early education and care certificate and diploma courses. Many of our Educators are native speakers of the languages taught within Early Learning including French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese.

Language Educators are part of the core classroom staff team—children engage with their native-speaking Language Educator throughout the day in Early Learning—intentionally immersed in the language at every opportunity.

In addition to the four core staff in each classroom, the Centre employs an Early Learning Music Specialist, implementing the music program across all class groups.