IGS is serious about its commitment to a sustainable future and to play a role in combating climate change. 

Sustainable Future is one of three strategic aspirations of the IGS strategic plan, Into the World 2016-2020, along with Limitless Learning and Empowered Students.

In August 2018, IGS developed a Sustainability Framework that strives to make the School’s campus, activities, and events sustainable. IGS believes in using the Earth’s finite resources as wisely as it can and continually monitor and evaluate the School’s operations and efforts.

IGS Head of Sustainability Carmelo Fedele works with staff, students and stakeholders to further develop and implement the IGS Sustainability Framework through initiatives and actions that will develop awareness of sustainability practices, support sustainability initiatives and develop sustainability projects, thereby improving the sustainability culture of IGS.

In 2017 Carmelo launched the IGS Sustainable Futures Club – a student-led movement to improve environmental sustainability at IGS. 

Email carmelof@igssyd.nsw.edu.au for more information.


P&C recycling action

The P&C has partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide an online uniform and textbook recycling service.

Interested parents and carers can find out more here. View further details.

Secondhand initiatives

PTF volunteers run regular “Rue Kelly” second hand uniform markets (view Calendar for dates). To be a part of this team sign up here. The PTF also assists with the sale of musical instruments, textbooks and private second uniform sales with a community subscription to “The Sustainable School Shop“. You can list any school items from uniform to text books, including sporting and musical items. The PTF pays the annual subscription fee so families can use it for free.

The PTF has a new initiative with WornUp to send away old uniforms to be made into new school desks. A “pod” for collecting old items will arrive shortly. Goods which go in the pod will be sorted into uniforms suitable for resale and those which need to be recycled into school desks. The PTF is paying for the collections and the recycling fees.

P&C Label Drive

The P&C is encouraging labelling to help reduce lost property waste.

Please order name labels here so that 25 per cent of every registered IGS label order (using the IGS school code of 2127 or the School’s name) will be donated back to the PTF and then to the Sustainable Futures group to use for their good work.

If you would like to suggest an initiative you think the IGS Sustainability team would be interested in, please share it with us here.



Our Vision, Mission, and Goals:

Our Members:

Action Plan:
Please view our action plan here.



IGS was proud to be featured in Issue 16 of the Sustainable Schools Network Journal.

“We have had students go on to study marine biology because of a passion to save coral reefs; urban planning and architecture to improve biodiversity and liveability in our cities; and politics and international studies because they want to be thought leaders and changemakers for the future. What better measure of a school’s mission to equip students to be world-ready, than the lives they lead beyond graduation?”

Read it for yourself here.


IGS In the Know
Ways to live sustainably with Head of Sustainability Carmelo Fedele. See video below.


Related Articles:

If you would like to suggest an initiative you think the IGS Sustainability team would be interested in, please share it with us here.