IGS places the learning of languages at the heart of its curriculum and its inclusive culture. From their first day, your child will be immersed in the joy of learning another language. This is our school’s unique offering!

Upon enrolment, families elect one of five languages which their child will learn during their time at IGS. Currently, we offer French, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese. Children continuing into IGS primary school continue to learn the language commenced in Early Learning. IGS takes an immersive approach to teaching children languages. Children from a very early age are exposed to rich language input from their language educators during a daily language experience. Through activities such as rhymes, songs, poetry, stories, dance, action games, play, visual gestures and movement, children explore the language with their educator. 

Our native speaking Language Educators form part of our classroom staff, allowing children to engage with them throughout the day. Children are surrounded at every opportunity by the language they are learning, for example at meal times, during activities, routines or play. This immersion process mirrors the way ‘native language’ is acquired through immersion and modelling from adults. Immersion allows children to form a deeper bond with their Language Educators, enrich their vocabulary and enhance their familiarity with everyday language. The languages program fits within the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and aligns with its outcomes.