More than 50 clubs are on offer at International Grammar School before and after school.

Clubs for students in Kindergarten to Year 6 are specialised co-curricular activities, facilitated by either external specialists or IGS teachers and educators. The range of clubs on offer gives students an opportunity to engage in meaningful experiences catering for a wide range of interests including academic clubs, creative art clubs, sport clubs and tech clubs.

High School Clubs generally run during lunchtimes and examples include Theatresports, Drama, Futsal, Girl Up Club, Dungeons and Dragons, Minecraft, DJ Club, Origami, Sustainable Futures, Critical Thinking, Dance, Fashion Illustration, Podcast, Coding, Movie and Table Tennis.

View our 2025 Semester 1 Primary School Co-curricular Clubs program.

Primary Clubs Booking Information

Primary students are invited to enrol into Clubs each semester. This is to provide children with the opportunity to explore an area of interest in depth and to work on projects or in teams for an extended period of time. 

We encourage all children enrolled in a Club to continue enrolment for the full semester. We do understand that sometimes children change their mind. If for any reason your child no longer wishes to participate in a Club, you may choose to withdraw them mid-semester (at the end of Term 3) without penalty. To withdraw from a Club, please email Clubs Coordinator David Engelbert at with your request. Withdrawal notices must be received in writing before the end of the Term 1 (Semester 1) or Term 3 (Semester 2). Withdrawal notices received by this date will not be charged the fee for the final term of the semester,

Please note:

  • Changes to Club enrolment will not be permitted after the booking closure date. 
  • There are limited places in each Club. 
  • Bookings are essential and on a first-come first-serve basis. 
  • Bookings are made through the Engage Portal.
  • If your child misses out on a club of their choice, please email the Primary Cocurricular Program Coordinator at to place your child on the waitlist. You will be contacted should a place become available.

Have a question about Primary Clubs? Contact David Engelbert, Coordinator of Primary Cocurricular Programs at

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